
Friday 29 July 2016

Prime Minister Turnbull has done the right thing

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

PM Rudd has done the right thing:

It would have been easy to do the PC thing and endorse Kevin Rudd for the position of UN Secretary General but the United Nations is dysfunctional enough as it is. I wrote about this earlier in the year for the ABC's The Drum: If the Labor politicians are so disappointed about PM Turnbull not endorsing Rudd, why did they not sack him mid-term in 2010? Some consistency, please, Labor.
Here is a longer piece I write about the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd era:

Oh, and here is another:

Friday 22 July 2016

Thursday 21 July 2016

The 2016 Reichstag Fire Decree

The Reichstag Fire Decree of 1933:

The Enabling Act of 1933:

Here is a good piece on the double standards applied to Turkey:

Which side are Sudan & Palestinian Authority on in the War of Freedom?

Sudan's Omar al-Bashira

Israel is fast becoming an ally of many African nations who fear the Global Islamic Jihad:
We should not be surprised if (North) Sudan and the Palestinian Authority want to "constrain" the forces of freedom: 

Why is Mayor Sadiq Khan against Hezbollah ban?

Hezbollah "Community Organisers"

Here is the story from the Middle East Forum:

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Matt Drudge couldn't have or wouldn't have stopped the rise and rise of Donald Trump?

Courtesy of The Australian

An interesting question:

58% of Turks want Sultan Erdoğan out!

Here is the address of the Streetbees site: 

Seventy-two percent of Turks do not want Islamic law. Tugce Bulut's fascinating Streebees polling also tells us that, though the Turkish people did not endorse the attempted coup, 58% of them want Erdoğan out:

Thursday 14 July 2016

A Creed to Defeat Radical Islamic Jihadism

Our hearts go out to the victims of Islamic terrorism in Nice. Here is a recent essay in the Long War Journal that reports on a campaign that has been raging for many years, no less so than this year. For instance, there were 600 Islamic State suicide attacks in the first half of 2016:

I wrote about Enlightened Patriotism in November last year:

Breibart Journalist Does Time

Lee Stranahan (courtesy of Breibart)

One can protest against and actually experience injustice without supporting professional insurrectionists such as Black Lives Matter, let alone leftist opportunists such as Hillary Clinton. If you don't believe me, read this following piece. All credit to Breibart journalist Lee Stranahan for putting himself on the line and telling it like it is:       

Thanks Erdogan: 27% of Turks do not have an unfavourable opinion of the Islamic State

Activist Salafism (Muslim Brotherhood etc) and Salafi Jihadism (the Islamic State etc) are "brothers in doctrine". This article, in Middle East Forum, helps to explain why using Erdogan's Turkey as an example: 

Erdogan's Turkey is not on our side in the War of Freedom

New UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson is on the side of liberty in the War of Freedom. Here, in the Guardian, is proof: Please note, by the way, all the back stories on Angela Merkel's submission to the whims of Sultan Erdogan.

Here is a piece I wrote about Boris Johnson for the Salisbury Review in December 2003: I think it stands the test of time all right.

Purdue University & Soft Totalitarianism

We must pushback against the soft totalitarianism of Political Correctness:

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Erdogan is a Muslim Brotherhood guy, a tyrant, a sectarian and an international joke

The Islamic Republic of Turkey

Erdogan hates the Zionist entity, loves Israel, hates Assad, respects Assad, embraces Putin, attacks Putin, respects Putin, respects Iran, plots against Iran, cautiously optimistic about Iran...the only consistency in this fellow's policy is the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Turkey. He is not at war with Kurds - he is at war with secularism, Kurdish or otherwise: