Being only six
at the time of John F. Kennedy’s death, I have no idea where I was when I heard
the news. Nonetheless, I was gripped – in a creepy, unsettling kind of way – by
television documentaries and magazine stories throughout my school years
postulating one conspiracy theory after another – fabricated photographs of
Oswald posing with a rifle, an alleged gunman on the grassy knoll, the
impossibility of “the magic bullet” hitting both Kennedy and Governor Connolly,
the pristine bullet assertion, the Head of State’s head reeling back instead of
forward after the fatal shot, Jack Ruby’s connection with the Mob, Oswald
allegedly anti-Castro and not pro-Castro, the Oswald doppelganger theory, the
perfidy of the Warren Commission, and so on. Many of the conspiracy angles
might have been far-fetched, including the one about the driver of the
presidential limousine, William Greer, and yet how could there be all that
smoke and no fire?
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